You are about to create a new classified as an anonymous user. To have all the registered users perks we suggest you to create an account or to sign in .
New rental classified FREE
Rental info

Longitude: -, Latitude: -

Price options

You'll get a better response to your classified if you enter the right price. If you enter a false price, your classified will appear at the bottom of the search results.

If you do not input a price, your classified will be displayed as not available.
If you deselect a month it indicates that the classified is not for rent for that month.

No phones, emails or links are allowed in the description. Otherwise the classified will be deleted.

Contact info The contact info that will be displayed to the users

From here you can upload the photos that will appear in your classified's view.

Supported file types: jpg, png, gif
Maximum number of files: 60 photos
Drop your photos or click here
Give more value to your classified by uploading a short video!
The duration of the video can be from 5 sec to 1 min
The video should be vertical/portrait
You can upload up to 3 videos
Short videos
To change the order, press on the image and drag it to where you want.