Terms & conditions for the correct use of advertisements

We make a significant effort to ensure that advertisements on Car.gr are displayed with full transparency, legitimacy and fulfill the advertiser's objectives with full respect to other advertisers who are also displayed on the website.

For this reason, we have established the following advertising policies with the primary purpose of ensuring a positive user experience. At the same time, the following policies prohibit content that could either harm users or advertisers on Car.gr.

These policies are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Content banning policy: This concerns advertising content that is not allowed to be advertised on Car.gr.
  2. Prohibited practice policy: This is a policy that states that no specific activity may be advertised on Car.gr.
  3. Editorial and technical issues policy: you are not allowed to publish advertising that has spelling or editorial errors or other technical issues.

All advertisements are controlled by artificial intelligence and some of them are controlled by an authorized employee to avoid policy violations.

For content that violates these policies, we take action even if it requires rejecting a specific ad that violates the rules, and we have the absolute freedom to remove an account that systematically tries to violate the rules. It is also at Car.gr's discretion to completely ban a particular user or users from the advertising platform.

If an advertisement has been rejected you will have to create it from scratch as it means that it violates an advertising policy.

1. Misleading products

We strictly prohibit the promotion or sale of products that use trademarks or logos that are similar or nearly identical to trademarks of other products. In the event of infringement by an advertiser please contact us here. This policy applies to both your advertisement and the landing page to which it links.

2. Products or services that may put someone at risk

We strive to ensure that our users remain safe and therefore we expressly prohibit the advertising of products or services that may cause injury, harm or damage.

Products whose display is prohibited:

  • Hazardous substances
  • Drugs & other equipment that may facilitate their use
  • Psychotropic substances
  • Weapons, ammunition, explosives
  • Tobacco products
  • Services which facilitate the creation of the above products

3. Incitement to immoral conduct

It is not allowed to promote or sell products that may lead to unethical behaviour. Such products may include advice or instructions on digital criminal activities such as hacking or services designed to fake traffic to advertisements or websites.

4. Inappropriate content

The content of advertisements must be distinguished for respect for others and with respect for each individual. For this reason we make every effort to avoid displaying content that may offend some users. Therefore, advertisements that promote hatred, intolerance, discrimination based on personal characteristics such as race, nationality, origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, health status and violence are prohibited. This includes advertisements which contain profanity or other inappropriate content.

Inappropriate practices

Abuse of advertising

At Car.gr we seek to ensure that advertisements are timely, varied, relevant and safe for users. We strive to prevent advertisers from using ads, content or destinations that seek to mislead or circumvent the verification process.

Examples of advertising abuse:

  • Promoting malicious content
  • Using cloaking techniques to hide the true destination
  • Landing pages with no content or showing only other advertisements
  • Landing pages that operate in a manner competitive to Car.gr

Data Collection & Use

The respect and security of our users' personal data is a top priority. Advertisers do not have access to personal data but only have the possibility of targeting audiences with specific characteristics, such as the category of visit, brand, etc. but without the possibility of identifying specific persons.

In this context, advertisers commit that the personal data they derive from their own landing pages are used with great care and always with respect.

Misleading advertisements

The trust of our users in the advertisements that appear on Car.gr is of vital importance to us. We make every effort to ensure that advertisements provide a clear and complete description of the products, services or businesses they promote and all the necessary information required. We do not allow the use of advertisements or destinations that seek to mislead users by omitting important product information or providing misleading information or have false content.

Examples of misleading description:

  • Omission of information on costs such as the method, amount and time of billing
  • Concealment of charges related to financial services such as interest rates, commissions
  • Misleading contact details or physical address
  • False claims about weight loss or financial gains
  • Electronic Phishing for the purpose of collecting personal data of users
  • Collecting donations under false pretenses

Content whose advertising is prohibited or restricted

As part of the implementation of the advertising policies on Car.gr, the display of advertisements is prohibited or restricted.

It is at the discretion of Car.gr to accept, restrict or not to display a campaign by the advertiser for the following:

  • Sexual content (e.g. Presentation of naked genitals or breasts, sexual encounters, games referring to sexual content, sex clubs, live discussions with sexual content, etc.)
  • Alcohol (e.g. alcoholic beverages, beer, wine, alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages that simulate alcohol)
  • Copyright (e.g. Music, films, writings or anything else that is protected for copyright and for which you do not have written permission to assign rights)
  • Gambling (e.g. Internet casinos, poker, bingo, roulette and any other content that may directly or indirectly promote gambling)
  • Medicines & other medical or pharmaceutical products
  • Political content (e.g. promotion of a political area or political organisation & candidates)
  • Financial services (e.g. Banking products, investment products, insurance services, loans, etc.)
  • Trademarks (e.g. use of recognisable brands)
  • Products or services aimed at minors
  • Other commercial activities (Activities which appear to comply with the above restrictions but which we believe may operate to the detriment of users or the Car.gr website)

Technical implementation requirements

We aim to showcase ads that capture the interest of users while creating an easy interaction. To achieve this we have established specific guidelines for creating ads. At the same time, we have established technical specifications that simplify the use of the advertising media we offer so that users and advertisers benefit from them.

Creation of advertising texts

In order to ensure a superior user experience, Car.gr sets high standards for advertisements, content and landing pages. Only advertisements that are presented in a professional manner and direct to relevant content are allowed.

Indicative examples of advertisements which do not comply with this purpose:

  • Vague advertisements with vague phrases (e.g. Buy here, Get your products immediately, Get the product etc.)
  • Use of texts exclusively in capital letters (e.g., GET FREE THE NEW...)
  • Unscripted texts (e.g. Amazing product is absolutely amazing, with amazing features and amazing results)

Landing page requirements

We want Car.gr users to enjoy a pleasant experience when interacting with the ads. Therefore, landing pages should be easy to use, functional and in any case useful.

Some examples of bad practices are the following:

  • Hyperlinks URLs that do not exactly reflect the URL of the final destination page but redirect users e.g. To send email
  • Hyperlinks to websites which are without content or which are under construction or in a waiting stage (parked domains)
  • Hyperlinks to websites that use deceptive techniques such as disabling buttons in the browser or exploiting users in any way.

Advertising requirements & technical requirements

Character limit in the advertising text: 73 characters
Character limit in the text of an incentive button: 26 characters
Image size and quality requirements: 500x500 .jpg, .png, .gif
File size limit: 160kb
In case the user uploads their own images (custom) then the following technical requirements apply:
Image sizes: 970x250, 728x90, 300x250, 320x100
Image size limit of each image file: 160kb

Advertisers must contribute to the functionality of the advertisements and follow the technical requirements to achieve clarity.

About the advertising policy

At Car.gr we provide the opportunity for businesses, regardless of size, to promote their products and services. Our aim is to help them reach potential and existing customers. It is important that each advertiser complies with and familiarises themselves with the advertising policy so that they meet Car.gr's quality standard. In case of multiple repeated violations of the policy and terms of advertising, it is at the discretion of Car.gr to suspend or exclude a specific user from the advertising system or from the website in general.

At the same time, Car.gr requires advertisers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations that govern Greek law.

About the ad control procedure

Ads undergo an evaluation process to ensure that they comply with our advertising terms and policies. The majority of these ads are assessed within 2 working days or 48 hours.

Status of advertisements

Your ad from the moment of its creation can have one of the following states which reflects its current state.

Draft: Advertising that has been temporarily stored for further processing in the futureν.

Pending: Advertisement which has completed its creation and has been sent to the administrator for review.

Approved: Advertisement which has been approved by the administrator and has started to be shown to Car.gr users.

Rejected: Advertisement that has been rejected by the administrator as it violates one or more of the terms of use.

Replaced: Advertisement which has been replaced with some new one and the new one has already been approved. (The current status is used for reporting purposes of the advertisement)

Advertising points and technical restrictions

Advertisers on Car.gr have the ability to add ads using specific templates or by uploading their own creations. The types of files that are accepted are .jpeg, .png, .gif. In each advertising space there are specific restrictions on the size of the creative as defined in the appendix.

In order to be able to advertise in all possible spaces the advertiser must have uploaded their creative in all dimensions as defined in the appendix. Otherwise his advertisement will only be able to appear in the spaces for which he has added creative.

Audience targeting

Targeting the audience that the stakeholder wants to reach is done in two ways.

  • Targeting by ad category (e.g. cars, motorcycles, spare parts, etc.)
  • Targeting based on brand-company targeting. (e.g. Toyota, Yamaha, Honda, Man etc.)

At the same time, in case of targeting a specific category or brand-company then its advertising will not be included in the general category targets as defined in the Annex.

In case your targeting is very specific you may not spend the entire daily budget you have set. In this case you are not wasting any money as you will be able to spend it either on another campaign or extend the implementation time of your campaign.


The pricing of advertisements is in accordance with the current price list and may vary from time to time or according to the current commercial policy of the company. To be eligible to advertise on Car.gr you will need to have a sufficient balance in your Car.gr wallet

Adding funds to your wallet can be done using a debit or credit card and the mediation of Stripe. Once added, the money is added to your account and there is no possibility of returning it.

The advertiser has a period of 14 calendar days to withdraw from the contract, without reason or charge, starting from the date of signing the contract which takes place with the express acceptance of the terms & conditions, at the time of payment. The advertiser expressly and unconditionally accepts that if the public reproduction or downloading of the advertisement has started, then he/she automatically loses the right of withdrawal. For the exercise of the right of withdrawal you can contact: support@car.gr

In relation to the receipt of advertising services from Car.gr, the advertiser is liable to pay 2% tax on the net value of the document. The tax is paid to the EDOEAP insurance fund. (Information on EDOEAP).

Reporting & Charging

Advertisements are charged according to the current price list.

In the Ads dashboard you can find the following:

  • On/off indicator in case you have ads on or off with the relevant indicator.
  • Name you have set to distinguish each advertisement on your control panel.
  • Ad status as defined in the ad status.
  • Unique ID number that accompanies your ad.
  • Spending you have already done for that particular ad.
  • Budget the budget you have set that you want this particular ad to cost you.
  • Duration: How many days the specific ad is running and how long it expires in.
  • Impressions: How many times the specific ad has appeared to the total number of users.
  • Viewable impressions: How many times your ad has appeared and the user has seen at least 50% of its creative for at least 1 second
  • Clicks: How many times the user clicked on your ad and was taken to your landing page

Important note: Billing is based on active views.


Search top of the list (Desktop)

970 x 250 or 728 x 90

Search bottom of the list (Desktop)

970 x 250 or 728 x 90

Search top of the gallery (Desktop)

300 x 250

Search left side below (Desktop)

300 x 250

Search right side below (Desktop)

300 x 250

Search top of list (Mobile Device)

300 x 250

Search center of the list (Mobile Device)

300 x 250

Search bottom of the list (Mobile Device)

300 x 250

Classified View right side (Desktop)

300 x 250

Classified View below details (Mobile Device)

320 x 100

Homepage sidebar menu (Desktop)

300 x 250

Homepage centered (Mobile Device)

320 x 100

ALl categories centered (Desktop)

728 x 90 or 970 x 250

1.Search, top of the list (Desktop)
2.Search, bottom of the list (Desktop)
3.Search, top of the gallery (Desktop)
4.Search, left side below (Desktop)
5.Search, right side below (Desktop)
6.Search, top of list (Mobile Device)
7.Search, center of the list (Mobile Device)
8.Search, bottom of the list (Mobile Device)
Classified View
9.Classified View, right side (Desktop)
10.Classified View, below details (Mobile Device)
11.Homepage, sidebar menu (Desktop)
12.Homepage, centered (Mobile Device)
13.ALl categories, centered (Desktop)

Provided dimensions depending on the advertising space:

1. 970 x 250 or 728 x 90
2. 970 x 250 or 728 x 90
3. 300 x 250
4. 300 x 250
5. 300 x 250
6. 300 x 250
7. 300 x 250
8. 300 x 250
9. 300 x 250
10. 320 x 100
11. 300 x 250
12. 320 x 100
13. 728 x 90 or 970 x 250